Facebook Scammers Wants Your Pages With Admin Access

New but old scam which is on the rise these days is happening on Facebook where scammers will try to steal your page with admin access!  

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How this scam works?

The scammer will contact you and represent himself as some rich person or a popular person, of course, before all that they will make fake profile with fake friends.

They will tell you how they want to advertise on your Facebook page and are willing to pay very well! (Red Flag)

If you agree, they will ask you first for a small advertising test.
For all that time scammer will promising you a huge amount of money, for example 10 times more than you should get in some legitimate suggestion about ads on your Facebook page. 

They will start asking you for your family, for your health, where are you from, where do you work, and in that way scammer is getting you into his "system". 

He wants to trigger your emotions so you think that the person is legitimate!
When they see that you are open to them, then a real action is starting!

You will receive message about $1,000 for example that is waiting on you, but to get the $1,000 you first need to give them your information "for a few minutes" so they can become administrators of your Facebook page... "Just to test something"! (BIG Red Flag)

Of course, don't ever do this, do not let anyone make you look stupid!

Anyway if you do that they will immediately remove you from your page and change the name in few second. 
So, you just lost your page and promised money!

If this happens, how to restore your page?

You must contact Facebook but, be prepared to wait some time.
Do not report your page because Facebook will quickly delete it and I guess you don't want that to happen.

You want your page back, right?

Facebook will get to you, of course you will have to prove that you are the real owner and creator of that page. 
If this happens to you, it's worth the wait.

How to avoid this scam?

Be smart...

Of course, above all, as always, if you get a message how someone wants to cooperate with you, do not immediately get into it! 
You will be deceived!

Do the search about that person, do not be lazy.
In just a few minutes you will understand who they are and whether the person is legitimate or not. 

One of the best options is to propose a call meeting, if the person avoids constantly, finds something new every day in order to avoid to talk with you, it means that something is wrong.

If you want to do "paid ads" on your Facebook page, always ask for money first. 
Warn your followers that what you share is paid advertisement.

Bevery careful because fraudsters are now ready for anything! 
Do not be lazy and explore who they are. 
If you have a bit of uncertainty in person, do not cooperate with him!

Your Investigation Buddy

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